This past weekend marked PATCH’s first fair of the year. We were excited to test the waters of holding large events, and goodness did we have some fun! Over twenty vendors set up booths lining the Shady Grove Methodist Church’s parking lot, and we welcomed nearly 400 visitors in a span of four hours.
While the Craft Fair drew in considerable donations to PATCH (over $700!), we also had the opportunity to share with others our incredible small businesses and makers within the Richmond community. From knitted bumble bees to freshly extracted local honey, the PATCH Craft Fair provided guests with a single stop for fun purchases.
Did you miss our summer Craft Fair? No fear! We are already in planning mode for our Fall Fair—and the theme for this one is go big, or go home 😉
Want to be part of the action for our Fall Fair? From vending to face painting to volunteering and preparation, we welcome anyone interested in helping out to email!